Tuesday, January 6, 2009

What Happend on Christmas Break!!

Soooo over the break, I was able to go home for about 2 1/2 weeks. It was way nice to truly relax and not worry about school at all. I made my first gingerbread house with what Alicia brought for us to make. She made the trees, reindeer, sleigh, snowmen, and Hansel and Gretel. We got to go to centennial park and ran into the middle of the awesome circle waterfall's and took a bunch of pics...it was funny because other people there kept running into them at the wrong time so they got all wet as the waterfall's came around to them....then of course I had to get a picture of our beautiful tree with many presents underneath it.......it was a great christmas..i got clothes, shoes, purses, quesadilla maker, P90x so then i will have an awesome beach body/ be in great shape..lotions lip glosses...scarf..gloves...peacoat...and......a beautiful necklace from my most awesomest boyfriend ever......hehehehe...hes so cute,, smart, wonderful, and way fun........overall christmas break was a smashing hit and a much needed vacation away from the cold/ all school work..but now its back to work work work...no time for fun...just work...jk...i will still have fun...but im so sad that school already started..and its like a snow globe over here because some one keeps shaking the globe..its never ending with the snow....snow snow snow snow everywhere we go......with our heater broken, its freezing in our apartment, so when we go to bed we bundle up in warm clothes and a big pile of blankets....PLEASE COME FIX OUT HEATER SOME ONE SOME WHERE.... WE ARE MISERALBE>.......ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!


Ashley and Devon said...

haha i love how you described Christmas break as being a "smashing hit"-so very English of you! And yay for our heater being fixed! ah, im so happy. and also, i love you very very much!

Lorina said...

Hi! We need to hang out. I haven't seen you in forever! When can you eat lunch? I miss you!

Audrey said...

I love your quesadilla maker! I suggest that you post a picture of it. :)